A Verb not a Noun, Interviews by Jessamy Gleeson

What is Allyship? ALLYSHIP has been described as “an active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and re-evaluating, in which a person in a position of privilege and power seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalised group” (The Anti-Oppression Network). 

Ahead of Reconciliation Week nd NAIDOC 2022, author and academic Jessamy Gleeson interviewed Kait James (Wadawurrung), Aunty Jenny Murray-Jones (Yorta Yorta and Baraparapa), Aunty Fay Muir (Boon Wurrung and Wamba Wamba), Mandy Nicholson (Wurundjeri, Dja Dja wurrung and Ngurai illum wurrung) & Naimh Whitford (Nyul Nyul). Jessamy Gleeson (Wiradjuri) has also provided an interview with her own perspective.

The conversations focus on  “allyship” and the unequal labour burden on First Nations people - and women in particular – of explaining connections to their backgrounds and stories

The Centre invites those who seek to be  allies, to inform their practice of unlearning and re-evaluation.

A VERB NOT A NOUN is a series of video interviews with First Nations women.

Watch the videos below